You know you’re pregnant when…..



Ok, so a friend of mine who had a baby in May ended up writing a blog titled “You know you’re a mom when…” and listed some funny antidotes of things that had happened to her since having her baby boy.

It was hilarious and got me thinking of all that I have to look forward to in 9 weeks once we have our little baby girl. Then I started thinking…. there should be a “You know you’re pregnant when……” blog as being pregnant has had its up’s and its down’s and many laughable brain-fart moments in between. 

I remember hearing about this enigma called “pregnancy brain” long before I ever became pregnant. It was hard to really accept for me as it was something I had obviously never experienced. I now humble bow my head to those pregnant women from my past whom I thought were making it up. I have come to realize lately that pregnancy brain is in fact a very real thing! Citizens of Hamilton beware…….. I’m got hormones racing and i’m not afraid to use them!


So, now that you have been officially warned, I call this blog “You know you’re pregnancy when…..”

1. The woman at the doctors office asks you your last name, you pause….. think real hard…. and when nothing comes to mind actually consider looking at your drivers license in your wallet to jog your memory.

2.You begin planning your routes for you evening walks around which public washrooms are the cleanest.

3. You deny having “nesting” urges only to realize that you have organized the baby’s clothing according to size and season.

4. You rationalize that it’s ok to eat 2-3 times during the night because you’re simply “rewarding yourself” for getting up to go to the washroom multiple times.

5. You give yourself a well earned pat on the back when you successfully roll over in bed.

6. You spend 45 minutes watching YouTube videos titled, “Video’s that will restore your faith in humanity” because crying feels amazing!

7. You rationalize your now chubbier feet purely on water retention as you spoon the last of the tub of ice cream into your mouth.

8. You’re up at 5am because you were dreaming about the arrival of your new baby and then began planning her nursery, closet, toys etc. and became too excited to sleep.

9. You stopped excusing your excessive gas or blaming it on your spouse….. You’re pregnant, who cares.

10. And the best “You know you’re pregnant when” moments: You know you’re pregnant when you’re standing outside your apartment door wondering why in the world your keys aren’t working and realize you’ve spent the last 5 minutes pressing the unlock key from your key fob for your car instead of using your house key….


Well, there is a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks and I look forward to keep you all posted!

Until next week!!

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