Ok…. Who’s in charge here?!?!

ImageYay 28 weeks!! Just thought I would share with you all what 28 weeks pregnant and 20 lbs extra looks like on me!! So welcome to the official first post of our “personal blog”. The idea to start this began from our other blog which is geared towards following our ministry with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) as my husband and I are full time missionaries raising support to sustain us in the Congo for the next 4 years. I enjoy filling people in on our ministry but I also noticed that being pregnant for the first time, being a newly married couple, and being full time missionaries left me wanting to have something that I could also write about daily life as well. The result: This blog! Ta daaaaaa! So, our lives lately has seemed somewhat…..hmmmmm how to put this…… Totally crazy and all over the place. For instance, this morning I had dropped Joel off at the airport in Brantford to go flying with someone he knows when the door of the airplane ended up coming down on his head! He called me to meet him at the hospital where he ended up getting 5 staples in the head. Just so you know, i actually did end up taking a picture of it but it’s too gross to post so i’ll let you mind figure it out. The other things was that this morning when Joel called to let me know what happened I had just pulled into the Williams coffee parking lot to meet up with a friend I hadn’t talked to in awhile and needed to chat with. Long story short, I had that person meet me at the hospital where we hung out waiting to be let in to see my husband! The the triage nurse refused to let me go in past the double doors so i had to wait until a doctor passed through and had to sneak in behind him! Turns out my husband is fine…. bad time for him to decide to grow his hair out though!in-chargeAnyways, life is totally unpredictable and I love it like that. I find that it keeps me on my toes and also helps me see that I’m not as “in charge” of my life as i’d like to think sometimes. You may think this concept sounds scary but, in a way, it’s a relief. If you’re not totally in control, you’re not 100% responsible for everything that goes on around you. You can do your best and always try your best at everything you do but sometimes things happen that are beyond our control and sometimes instead of trying to srop life from happening, we can go to God and ask for wisdom and strength to deal with things when they do happen. I find that it is usually these types of things that help mould us. I also find that it is in times like this that i develop a sense of humour…. One of the greatest things my dad ever taught me was to learn to laugh at yourself…. It helps me not take things too seriously! Great advice pops! Well if you guys would like to check out our other blog, the address is www.hayleyandjoelblog.wordpress.com 

Well, that’s all for now! Thanks for listening!

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